Articles about Lavlier

Töölöläinen magazine
The story of the white soap shop
Töölölöinen 11.02.2024 Link to the article
Gloria's home
Petro Lahtinen author of the month
Gloria's home 02/2024 Link to the article
"Luxury cosmetics are now born from the side streams of the wood industry"
Kauppalehti 04/2024 Link to the article
"Petro Lahtinen switched Woodio to cosmetics - raw materials from the forest"
Kemia-magazine 04/2024 Link to the article
Tekniikka & Talous - Magazine
"Petro Lahtinen and Jenna Tikkanen's cosmetics brand Lavliér just launched a product that contains brown sugar. The forest industry's leap into the billion-dollar cosmetics business is underway."
Tekniikka & Talous Magazine Link to the article