Regarding collaborations, interview requests, photography credits and product images, you can contact:
Jenna Tikkanen jenna.tikkanen@lavlier.fi 050-336 7357
Articles about Lavlier
Töölöläinen Magazine
The story of the white soap shop
Töölölöinen 11.02.2024 Link to the article
Gloria's home Magazine
Petro Lahtinen author of the month
Gloria's home 02/2024 Link to the article
"Luxury cosmetics are now born from the side streams of the wood industry"
Kauppalehti 04/2024 Link to the article
Kemia- Magazine
"Petro Lahtinen switched Woodio to cosmetics - raw materials from the forest"
Kemia-lehti 04/2024 Link to the article
Tekniikka & Talous
"Petro Lahtinen and Jenna Tikkanen's cosmetics brand Lavliér just launched a product that contains brown sugar. The forest industry's leap into the billion-dollar cosmetics business is underway."
Tekniikka & Talous Link to the article

Lavliér's Image Gallery
The Lavliér image bank contains high-quality and versatile images of Lavliér products. Whether you're a content creator, retailer, editor or designer, we offer a wide collection of visually beautiful images for you to use.
To enter the image bank, ask for the access code: jenna.tikkanen@lavlier.fi